Below is a description of the procedures for managing the site with reference to the processing of the personal data of site users.
It is information provided (also pursuant to art. 13 of Leg. Dec. No. 196 of 2003) to those who interact with the web services of Cantiere Nautico Serenella s.n.c. starting from the web address Further to consultation of this Web Site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The data controller is the company, Cantiere Nautico Serenella s.n.c., with registered office in Italiy, Venice, Sacca Serenella - Murano. The processing associated with the Web services of this site takes place at the aforementioned registered office of the company and is dealt with exclusively by staff responsible for processing data or by staff that may be assigned with occasional updating and maintenance operations. With regards to the purposes as per this informative note, Cantiere Nautico Serenella s.n.c. may need to communicate and/or divulge your personal data with partners both in Italy and abroad. Users agree to the possible transfer abroad of personal data and to receive informative and/or promotional and/or commercial material (Cd-Rom, newsletter, brochures, information about events, invitations); the personal data provided by users are used solely for the purpose of carrying out the service (e.g. shipping and/or sending). The I.T. systems and software procedures adopted for the proper functioning of this Web Site acquire during the course of their operation a number of personal data the transmission of which is implied in the use of the Internet communication protocols. It is information which is not collected in order to be associated with identified interested parties. IP addresses or dominion names of the computers used by the users connected to the site, addresses of requested resources in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier), the time, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the numerical code indicating the state of reply given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and to the user’s I.T. environment come into this category of data. Apart from what is specified for browsing data, the user is free to provide the personal data shown in the request-registration forms. Failure to provide this data will make it impossible to satisfy the user’s request. The personal data are processed with automated instruments for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, their illegal or incorrect use and non-authorised access. Persons or bodies to which the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the personal data and to know the contents, verify their accuracy or request integration, updating or alteration (art. 7 of Leg. Dec. 196 of 2003). In accordance with the aforementioned article, they also have the right to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of the data processed, as well as to object to their processing. Users are also informed that any denial of consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes and in the ways indicated above shall prevent regular communication with Cantiere Nautico Serenella s.n.c., as well as making it impossible for Cantiere Nautico Serenella s.n.c. to send information and /or invitations to events and other commercial/promotional material.